Mini Alcohol Factory is a complex of modern equipment, developed and made taking into account the latest achievements of alcohol production, highly profitable enterprise, which does not require large areas and energy resources, and quickly mounted. Installation and adjustment works take 1-2 months.
Mini Alcohol Factory - K-100, K-250 work on grain, M-100, M-250 on molasses.
1. Non-waste environmentally friendly production
2. Associated production of high-quality, caloric feed for agricultural animals, with high content of protein, yeast components, trace elements.
3. Possibility of placing on the territory of agricultural and processing industries.
4. Ability to get technical alcohol as fuel for internal combustion engines.
2. Physical and chemical indicators of rectified alcohol produced by higher purification and grade I (DSTU (Ukrainian State Standart) 5962-67), alcohol - raw (DSTU
(Ukrainian State Standart) 131-67)
Content of ethyl alcohol (strength),% vol. - Not less than 96,2
Oxidation test, not less than - 15,0
The content of aldehydes, mg/l of anhydrous alcohol - not more than 4,0
The content of fusel oil, mg/l of anhydrous alcohol - not more than 4,0
The content of esters, mg/l of anhydrous alcohol - not more than 30,0
Content of methyl alcohol,% vol. - not more than 0,05
The content of free acids, mg/l of anhydrous alcohol - not more than 15,0